The Williamsburg Public Library has a copy machine available for the public to use during business hours. Black and white copies are $.10 per side/$.20 per page; color copies are $.50 per side/$1.00 per page. Sizes available are letter, legal and ledger.
The printer has the capability to scan items and send them to an email address. You can also send items from your personal email to the printer and make a copy (printing fees will apply.)
Fax Service (Send and Receive)
The Williamsburg Public Library provides fax service to its patrons for a fee of $1.00 per page (excluding cover page) whether sending or receiving. The fax number is 319-668-9621. The outgoing service is available during regular library hours although faxes can be received anytime. The library staff handles the actual faxing. The library will also provide a cover sheet if needed.